Sunday, February 15, 2009

Facebook pitching sessions 1 & 2

I didn't feel like I pitched well for the National Library Board Application that Sharon and I are interested in making. On hindsight, it should have been better, I should have organized it more and emphasized more on the main point:

Which is to provide a platform which improves the way people share information with their friends.

The library application is not meant to encourage people to go to the library, it is to let people know how the library can help them. It also encourages social interaction between friends through sharing of library resources (recommandations, etc).

After talking to Mr Wan, I realized that the library is trying to re-brand itself as an information hub rather than a physical repository of books. This is a very exciting move, and as a result the library has churned out a huge amount of blogs. videos, and events, all geared towards providing relevant and timely information to the public in different ways.

I feel these efforts must be better publicized and facebook might just be the solution for it. By connecting people through the books they read and have read, the Library Application helps people learn from each other and increase their knowledge of their interests.

Through the app, we're making it easier for someone to discuss his interest with his friends, and to find out at an instant what relevant events are being held by the library. This applies both to the academic researcher and the leisure reader. Anyone who reads books or even online journals from the library will be able to use this application well.

I was quite sad to leave early on Friday though, I would have loved to hear what the other pitches were. >_< Thanks Prof Ben for being considerate and trying to chase me off to go to the musical! ^_^ Its very much appreciated.


The pitching session on Monday was interesting - the one that stood out most, I felt, was Lut Games. I really like their concept, I believe it will be a cool game to play when it is complete. *Ahem* Its is, like Mafia Society, targeted at guys but using the same core appeal factors as Pet Society. I like the game alot. Zombies make everything cool. ^_^

As for APB, I've known of the campaign for quite some time already, but wonder if the rate of binge drinking has actually dropped due to the campaign. Or has the consumption of APB beer gone up due to the publicity? hmmm really curious as to whether the campaign is effective up till now.

For Jujups, I think that it is a very interesting concept - making it easy for non-designers to design nice clothes/mugs/cards for their loved ones. I've to mention though, that I feel Shapeways ( allows customers to better customize the 3D aspect of the finished product. Not very sure what Jujups was pitching though - its business?

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